Early works
This album comprises most of my early compositions made in 2019-2020. It doesn't include some of my earliest compositions which can be found in the chronological list.
It can be divided into several sub-albums:
- 2019 – works from that year initially hadn't included any effects plugins as I discovered them by the end of the year (currently they are mixed and mastered);
- The Battle of Azgravan – may be considered a single within an album, as it was initially meant to be part of an album that was never created;
- Short improvisations – the four (out of ten) March 2020 improvisations;
- Spring Piano – piano solos from spring 2020, i.e. Windy Dream, Clown's Teeth, Monotonous Moments (not included) and May it Shine;
- Labyrinth Land – two (or three, if the Spirit of Adventure is included) compositions I wrote for a canceled solo game project with given name;
- Absolutely Extreme Misfortune (AEM) – the last five tracks composed for a canceled dungeon platform game project by Bitrium.
Several pieces don't fit in any of the given sub-albums and are loosely incorporated in the album.
The Adventure's Start
A very positive march-like music I originally came up with back in November 2018 while playing the piano. At first I wanted the whole piece to be played by guitars or something alike, but I couldn't find any and I didn't know what a VSTi is at the time. In fact, the biggest problem with this music is my lack of experience with working with sounds themselves, so I consider this one quite a success.
Grass Walker
I consider this piece the best one I made in 2019. I even looked back to it a lot in 2020. The inspiration and improvisation skill I had while making this piece were on their highest at the time and I couldn't repeat this success for a long time.
My first completed piece that features string instruments. It gives a way more serious feeling than the previous ones. On the 2019 podium I'd give it the second place.
The Next Generation
I've been composing less frequently in fall 2019 because I had many other issues. In November, BeetMacol and I were preparing a modpack for the game Minecraft to play together with our friends, and this music played in the game's Main Menu in the modpack.
The Next Generation remake
By the end of December 2019 I've checked out an FL Studio tutorial and found out about effect plugins. After a few unfinished projects in December and January, I've decided to improve and extend The Next Generation and the effect was quite great. It might sound a bit repetitive, though.
Last Go For Broke
Simultaneously, I was working on improving an old incomplete project from mid 2019. To the previously solo piano composition, I've added a guitar and a strange string-like sound. The name is supposed to mean a vision of a final showdown with an unclear result.
The Battle of Azgravan
This music was supposed to play in the title screen of an unfinished game project called The Battle of Azgravan. Unfortunately, the audio is clipping a bit throughout most of the music. Luckily, the second half is a bit more listenable. As you can see, I was a little crazy at 2:27, but it eventually transforms into a quite cool melody at 2:40 and ends quite nicely. I might improve this piece sometime because the melody is great; perpaphs I'll make an orchestrated version.
Travel's Epitome
From March 10th to March 23rd I've been working on short tracks to improve my productivity and I finished some of them. This is the first one and it's a fully improvised guitar solo piece. The first half of the piece seems great to me but I didn't have as much inspiration while creating the other half.
The Inevitable
A bit more sad piece, this time it's a strings solo piece. I think it should be longer. I had amazing ideas while making the chords and the convolution effect is applied here as well.
The Fruit of Gluten
This music is a joke, the name doesn't make sense; originally it was made for a friend. I know, it's terrible.
Against the Windpower
The last of the finished short pieces; another piano solo. The beginning might be a little too long, but I think it ends quite well.
Breathing Silence
I started this track in mid January 2020. It's a bit weird; the main sound is called a "clav" in FL Studio. I've used the sound a few times in previous compositions, but this time it plays on low octaves and it's reverbed (but I think the decay is a little too long). The percussion isn't as good, unfortunately, as I didn't have much experience with it back then, especially when it comes to eccentric music. The piece consists of three melodies, the first one starts at 0:45. It used to be one of my personal favorites among my pieces and it still is one I really enjoy. The original piece from January included different percussion which also were playing on low octaves, but they sounded too bad and I changed them.
Windy Dream
This one has quite a rich melody and at first I underestimated this piece a bit. It's a piano combined with strings, sometimes accompanied by some percussion. These days I think it's fairly enjoyable.
Clown's Teeth
Again, no idea for a better name, so I picked the first one that came to my head. It's another piano solo, but a little bit more crazy with bass sounds jumping from place to place and a speedy melody. A friend of mine said it's missing some percussion; perpahs he's right.
Frozen Ravage
This one is different from most of my music. It's a bit reflective and it lasts almost 5 minutes. You may find it very repetitive but it eventually evolves into something more. The main sound is... electric piano; somehow I managed to apply such effects that it sounds a bit... cold, and hence the "Frozen" in the name. Anytime the music gets more interesting, it is joined by a string instrument which serves as a great background. The rest is just reverbed and inversed percussion. Strange, huh?
May it Shine
I used to have problems whenever I didn't have inspiration for more than even just a week, and this piece is kind of a reflection on this. Once again it's a piano-strings composition, but this time I've came up with most of the melody on piano. The only problem I have with this piece is that the piano doesn't really fit the strings. Nevertheless, the ending is quite impressive.
Escape of the Bits
On June 10th I started working on a private game project about labyrinths, unfortunately abandoned in 2 weeks. I really had fun making music for it as it was finally destined for something, not just some music which will probably never be used. It features oscillators and percussion. It's a little similar to chiptune music.
Mad Pixels
Another music for the labyrinth game. I've came up with the beginning many years earlier! I was so happy to make it real.
Forbidden Travel
After over 2 weeks of lack of inspiration caused mainly with the failed labyrinth game project (see below for more), I've managed to create this music and it's once again one of reflective character, once again features piano and strings, and once again gets a little more positive over time. This one also features percussion, but it isn't really fitting the entire piece. The name refers to the lack of time to do everything we want to do and decisions we have to make about abandoning some projects for succeeding in different ones.
Steady Transiting
In early July me and my friends from our game development team decided to work on a future project and I started composing music for it. Eventually the project was canceled and I composed 5 tracks in the meantime; this is the first one. It's a really nice composition featuring many string instruments as well as a bass sound for the first time, but I'm not really proud of the ending.
Path of the Chaotic
The next piece I made for the abandoned game project (see below) and my first piece featuring a choir and organ. For some reason the drums only sound good when listening with headphones. I'm particularly proud of the organ solo part.
Temple Strider
This one is really good. It features a string instrument combined with rhodes piano and some percussion. It was also going to play in the abandoned game project.
The Spirit of Adventure
One of my best pieces made in 2020. In the abandoned game project (see below), it was supposed to play in the trailer and credits. In this piece, everything cooperates perfectly. I've made most of the piece back on 14th June and it was destined to be the world map theme for the abandoned labyrinth game project (see Escape of the Bits). I've then remade the piece by replacing most of the oscillator sounds with Rhodes piano and added an ending.
Boiling Flames
The first music I made for a boss battle, but the game project it was made for was abandoned as I mentioned below. I didn't have time to make music in fall 2020 because of huge amounts of schoolwork; this piece was started in October 2020. After I found out about equalization and started learning music theory (hmm, about time), I've made this track one of my best compositions compared to the previous ones. Unfortunately I wasn't experienced enough with equalization and I kept the percussion quiet throughout the piece in order not to distract the listener from the main melody; apart from that, the music is really cool. You won't believe it, but I came up with the beginning while learning to play Rondo Alla Turca on piano. My favorite moments in the music are 0:53-1:13 and the last 15 seconds.