See also

YouTube channel

On my YT channel, I used to send my old graphing projects. Currently I'm considering uploading music on it.

Discord Server

Join the small community of Gnoun's Corner! Hang out, talk about math, music, watch some memes and more.

BeetMacol's website

BeetMacol is my brother and a great coder who occasionally helped me with this website.

Kubagliko_PL's website

My friend and another great coder.

This website's GitHub repository

The code you don't want to see.

Gon Guon

A soundtrack I intended to make for a canceled dungeon game project first intended for my website and later (during the creation of the soundtrack) as a Bitrium game. The names of the pieces are in my fictional language Daikova. Had the project not been canceled, the soundtrack would probably be bigger.

Gnurak Skulur

September 19, 2022

The first piece intended for an ultimately canceled dungeon game called Gon Guon. I started it 5 months earlier and had trouble expanding it, which can be heard by the awkwardness of 0:50, but it was one of those pieces that are too cool to be left unfinished, and eventually ended up great, though perhaps too repetitive at times. I really like how the organ moves down an octave by the end. I still fear the piece has too much reverb despite trying my best to get the perfect result.

Oikani Lorkit

January 30, 2023

The second track for the canceled dungeon game. Although it quite gives some dungeon feels, it's generally repetitive and I see it as the worst piece among the four.

Skari Shostun

January 30, 2023

Don't get discouraged by the initial repetitiveness, and you'll see that this piece has some actual melodies to it. While they are written in a minor scale, I constantly interrupt them with the less consonant initial theme which adds a lot of variation. I especially like the harmonics in 2:16. It's worth mentioning that what makes this piece unusual is that it both begins and ends with a diminished chord.

Gnurak Chuka

February 10, 2023

An absolutely crazy boss battle theme with the first melody derived from "Gnurak Skulur". The piece gets especially good at 0:29 (thanks to a seventh chord) but starts getting repetitive later and I think after the dynamics drop at 1:28 it gets rather uninteresting. (Also who doesn't like the random note spam at 0:56?)


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